Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week 8

Getting closer to show time and I am really getting excited!  Really fine tuning on all songs right now!  I have been practicing with a big mouth and correct vowel shape with my forward tongue and keeping the buzz.  This week I realized that I always had my head tilted back a little bit and I think that is what caused a little bit of my sound not being so resonant because it was further in the throat and mouth.  I fixed that this week!  My sound is really resonant now, Yeah!  I am keeping on working at every piece each day just fine tuning.  I am really excited for the recital!  I just got to keep motivated and practice even harder now!  Hope everyone else had a good week with practicing and I want to shout out to everyone who was in the play: GREAT JOB!  Tata for now!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to be at this point where fine tuning is the main focus! I am really glad you made the self-discovery about the tilt of your head; just be cautious of "over correcting"....the result being a tipped chin or a thrust-ed chin....that can cause quite a bit of vocal fatigue and strain.
    Congrats on the French yesterday! Keep working for a more natural line in the melody...make the words blend effortlessly with the melodic line...think in long phrases rather than short statements. Only a couple of weeks left until the big day! Keep up the fantastic work, Will!
