Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 3 Voice Practicing Whoo Hoo!

Week three of voice prcaticing I have been working on my posture even more with not straing my body when I sing.  I also have been doing alot of memorization on all my pieces so that I am good to go on my Recital.  I have been working on my energy this week when practing too!  I felt like I was a little lost in the energy this week and was trying to get my energy back when I sing during when I was practing.  It did get better!  I just have to not think so much and just sing!  Anyway it was a very good week of practicing and a good Wednesday lesson and recital.  Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. Will,

    I thoroughly enjoyed your performance last week. You have grown so incredibly much since you began at WSC! I feel that your preparation for your recital is on track---when you feel a little unmotivated or bored with your music, try looking up new recordings on Itunes or Youtube for different performances of the same song. I think that strategy pulled me through many stagnant times!
    Keep up the GREAT work! You are an inspiration to many!

  2. Thank you Dr. Hepworth! I just want to say you are an awesome teacher! I also have to say Wayne State has been such a blessing! It has been such a good fit! I really appreciate everything that you do and Mr. Phil! Hope you have a good rest of the week!
