Monday, September 26, 2011

Week three of voice practicing

Well this week I worked on Si trai ceppi alot more trying to make the runs more legato!  That is the difficult part, but I think if I breathe where I am suppose to breath it becomes more legato.  I have also been working on Le Charme!  Which is such a pretty piece!  Du Bist wie Eine Blume is coming along to I have been working on minor details with ich and ach lauts.  Also making the phrasing more legato without any h's.  I hope everyone else had a good week of practicing!

1 comment:

  1. I was so impressed with your Si trai have done some amazing work. You will be lip buzzing and tongue trilling in no time! Those melismatic passages will really encourage a relaxed sound.
    I have been very happy with your last two weeks of lessons. I hope that you keep this level of work up....although I know it can be exhausting. I hear you are very involved in other activities as well---the Newman center, various ensembles, school....just let me know if you are feeling stressed out. I will be glad to help you sit down and manage what is on your plate.
    Keep up the ichlauts and auchlauts!!!

    Dr. H.
