Monday, December 12, 2011

Final Blog of the Semester!

This semester has been a really good semester!  I have learned a lot both in voice lessons, studio, and vocal pedagogy!  The final week of practicing I really worked on minor details and also having all my pieces memorized.  I am really happy about how my grades are this semester too.  I am so thankful for you Dr. Hepworth, you really inspire me!  Hopefully everyone else had a good week of practice and good luck on everybody's finals.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lesson 6 with Curt

This is our last lesson and Curt has really made alot of progress during these six lessons!  We worked on some warm ups using forward singing and working into our head voice.  I told him to think lighter and it is going to feel a little weaker when you sing.  That seemed to help him make it into his head voice.  I also told him that you got think natural and not push when you sing into your head voice.  We also worked on Amazing Grace and worked on the diction again with the r's and legato singing.  He did a great job and I am really proud of my friend Curt!

Lesson 5 with Curt

This week in lessons we sang our first song and that was My Country Tis of Thee.  We worked on diction especially with the r's because Curt wass having a hard time with r's because he was using the retroflex r or midwest r alot.  Curt was telling me he likes to listen and sing to alot of country and I think that could be why this is kind of a little problem.  As we practiced the song Curt got alot better with the r's and was flipping them and making them silent where need be.  I also showed him some excercises like a duck a duck a, which helped as well.

Lesson 4 with Curt

This week we worked forward bright singing again!  I told Curt to show a little teeth when singing higher and also I explained to him what his soft pallet is and how you want to keep that high and you go up in your register and to keep the pitch from sagging or going flat.  He is working really hard and I can see a major difference in tone and how he sings!  He is doing a really good job!

Lesson 3 with Curt

This week in lessons we worked on more of the same warm ups and then introduced a couple more to help legato singing and connectivness.  We used the hand in our lesson to make a kinestetic tool for singing and it really helped bring out the legato singing as well as making the dipthongs and words connect.  We also worked on our posture and I helped him to not tense up when he sings!

Lesson 2 with Curt

Curt is really progressing!  I am using different warm ups to help him sing a little brighter and more forward and it is coming along pretty well!  I am using alot of sng-Ah, i and oh warm ups and also some sirens.  He is working really hard and improving alot!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week Twelve of practicing

This week I worked on memorizing Heavenly Grass and also I am keeping on working on matching the vowell and dipthongs throughout I Wonder as I Wander.  It seems to be getting alot better I just have to remember that is what I need to do.  I have been running through all my rep and going over any spots that are troublesome or need a little work on.  Overall it was a good week of practicing and a very productive and good weekend!  I got my research paper done and the binder is almost ready to go, I just have a few more adjustments to it!  Hope everyone else had a good week!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Observation 4 Adrian Campos

When Observing Adrian I was just so impressed with his tone and how he sings.  He has a really nice baritone voice.  I noticed he was struggling also to get in his head voice and pushing more than not thing about the lighter and less forceful way of sing into your head voice.  I think also having a the mouth bigger and the soft pallet higher will also help Adrian with the head voice.  I though he did a great job with the diction in his italian piece.  I observed that memorization was hard for him a little bit and I would say that if you take chunks at a time or a phrase a time and build upon it you will be able to memorize quicker.  Also another way is to write the words down from the song and then sing them in the rhythm of the song.  I also noticed that some of the consonants where not as clear and a good excercise for that would be a duck a duck a or today today today because that gets your articulator moving you tongue and also helps with flexibility and agility.  Overall it was a really good lesson to observe!

Observation 3 Katie Hansen

When observing Katie Hansen I was just astonished of how mature sounding her voice is and how professional it is.  Her vocal tone is like butter it is very pleasant to listen too.  One thing that I noticed with Katie is how much her mouth is open the whole time and I rarely see her soft pallet go down which I though was awesome!  The one thing that struck me was modifing E vowell to an I vowell when it gets higher in the register I know that I have been working on this too in my lessons and in practicing as well.  I though Katie has improved so much in her chest voice range because I know that is especially hard for ladies and it hard for men to use there head voice.  Another thing that I thought was incredible was her breathing in the space was amazing.  It gave me goosebumps evertime she did it!

Observation 2 Eric Klima

When Observing Eric I was so impressed with his diction for Italian and German.  I also noticed is sound is alot more resonant.  I did notice some tension in the neck or even maybe in the shoulders with moving back and forth which maybe a sign of tension and worry or habit.  I also though he did a great job using the legato and was connecting every word or phrase together in the songs he sang.  I was seeing some pushing in the voice a little bit when it got high in the register and in order to make sure you are not pushing you got to think lighter and a more not as heavy sound like you are bowling and just rolling the ball very slowly but still following through and not letting go.  Overall I thought Eric's lesson was very good and it was incredible to see so much improvement in the lesson as well!

Observation 1 Jill Stara

When observing Jill I saw a huge improvement with her mouth space from observing her lesson and in studio it was incredible and to hear so much more resonants was also incredible.  I was very excited about that!  It is so different when our soft pallet collapses when we sing it does not sounds as good.  I also observed some clipping with the dipthongs like like and also on some two syllable words.  A way to help that would to elongate them to the next word or phrase.  I also really enjoyed tonal emotion as well when she sang because it felt like the mood of the piece.  I would say one thing to work on is going from the musical expression to also the facial expression of what the text is about and how to portrait that in a story.  I thought Jill did a wonderful job and has improved so much!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Week eleven of practicing

This week I worked on alot of memorizing and also using alot of technique that we have been talking about in lessons and really working hard at it.  I went home for thanksgiving which was really nice and sang for my family a couple of my rep pieces.  They really enjoyed that.  I am still looking in the mirror to make sure I placing the tongue properly and also to keep my soft pallet high.  I hope eveyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Week nine of practicing

This week I really worked on memorizing!  I am still working on the stressed sylables in a couple of my songs.  I am also still working on dipthongs and elongating them, but I think as long as I keep my soft pallet high and not colapse it.  It will help alot and it will allow me to elongate the dipthongs.  It was also a good week at convention and I learned alot.  I am ready for Thanksgiving though, it will be nice to see my family and get a little sleep!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Week 9 of practicing

This week was a week of productive practicing I really worked on a lot of technical techniques with elongating dipthongs and making the stressed syllables of important words to come out when I was singing!  I also worked on looking in a mirror at myself to get better with keeping my soft pallet open.  I am keeping on memorizing all my pieces as well.  Hopefully everyone had a good week as well!  I am really excited about conference and Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week eight of practicing

This week was a successful week of practicing!  I have Si trai ceppi and Le Charme memorized and I am finsihing memorizing I wonder as I wander!  I have also been working on Heavenly grass and Tally Ho and hopefully get them memorzied in a week or two.  I have been really looking in the mirror making sure my soft pallet is raised the whole time and that jaw movement is limited and only used when need be.  I have also been looking in the mirror for appropriate emotional stances with the songs as well!  Hope everyone else hade a wonderful week of practicing!  Too doo loo!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Week seven Voice Practicing

This week I worked on keeping my soft pallet open when I sing leaps or runs in both La Charme and Si trai Ceppi.  I also am working on memorizing both Si trai Ceppi and La Charme.  I am trying to keep thinking of the legato connection in all of my songs.  I am also trying to use less Aspirates in my singing as well.  I am also working on Heavenly Grass and Tally Ho.  Those are coming along as well!  I hope everyone else had a good week of practicing!  See everyone in studio!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 6 of practicing

This week I worked on alot!  I worked on my diction in my french piece and my legato phrasing with no h's that would interupt the vocal folds in Si trai ceppi.  I also went over I wonder as I wander.  In order to not create h's while I am singing I open up my mouth so the soft plalet does not close and it is easier for me to make the phrasing more legato and connective.  It was a good week of practicing, I just need to keep on reinforcing those habits of mine with legato phrasing and no clipping off words.  Hope everyone else had a good week of practicing as well!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week Five of practicing

This week was a good week!  NATS  I thought went well!  I am still working on my legato phrasing with all my pieces and also working on attaching dipthongs to the word followed like and-the.  Over break I am going to work on Si Trai Ceppi, my french piece and my other engilsh pieces and do some hard work on them.  Over all things are going well!  I am excited though to see my family this weekend and go home for a little bit!  Hope everyone else is doing good!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week Four of Practicing

This week was a good week of practicing!  I am really nit picking all my songs for NATS with being legato, no h's, and dipthongs at the end of the word cut offs.  It is coming along good!  I am also working on Si Trai Ceppi too and applying these same things to that as well because I feel like I am putting h's with the runs and I am sometimes putting the dipthongs in the wrong place as well.  Overall I think I am doing a really good job and I can not wait for NATS this week coming up!  Hope everyone else had a good week of practicing and we will see everyone tomorrow!  I can not believe it is already October!

Monday, September 26, 2011

First Lesson with Curt!

I thought our first lesson went really good!  We worked on alot with posture, breathing and tongue position this first week.  We did alot of warm up fixed on the tongue and bringing it forward.  We also worked on sirens to be able to get in the head voice and falsetto.  Curt did a really great job with that.  At first he had is tongue far back in the throat but as the lesson progressed and I told him about the tongue and we worked on an i vowell it became more natural.  I also told him singing is like speaking you do not want to make it unatural when you sing.  Next week I hope we can work on some new excercizes and start working on diction and other attributes for good singing.

Week three of voice practicing

Well this week I worked on Si trai ceppi alot more trying to make the runs more legato!  That is the difficult part, but I think if I breathe where I am suppose to breath it becomes more legato.  I have also been working on Le Charme!  Which is such a pretty piece!  Du Bist wie Eine Blume is coming along to I have been working on minor details with ich and ach lauts.  Also making the phrasing more legato without any h's.  I hope everyone else had a good week of practicing!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week two of Voice practicing

This week I have been working on the Today Today excercise and have also been working on my vowell's in Du Bist Wie Eine Blume.  I have Du Bist Wie Eine Blume memorized.  I have been working on Si trai ceppi.  The run is coming easier with pracice.  It is pretty repetitive!  Hope everyone else has had a good week of practicing!  Talk to everyone soon!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week one of voice practice

First week I have been working on lip trills and relaxing my cheeks a little more because they are a little tense in practice.  I have also been working on Si Trai Ceppi and Du Bist Wie Eine Blume.  I have been working on the notes in Si Trai Ceppi and I have been working on Memorizing Du Bist Wie Eine Blume.  Hope everyone else has had a good week of prcticing!  Too doo loo for now! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week 10

Hey Everyone!  The time has come Recital is this Saturday!  I am really excited!  I have been working on very minor details this week with vowels and right syllables on right beats.  I am ready, and I can't wait to see everyone on Saturday!  Hope everyone else has had a good week so far.  Keep up the good work everyone!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 9

Hello again!  Well still making really good progress.  Really trying to fine tune all my songs and really making sure that the rhythms and the words fall on that particular rhythm.  I am also trying to work on getting out of the Phil trap.  I need to think more legato and more like a horse rider, Or I think another analogy is a duck on water.  Well progress is coming along and I am getting really excited for my Jury and to see family and friends and teachers who have supported with no end who I am greatly appreciative of.  Tata for now!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week 8

Getting closer to show time and I am really getting excited!  Really fine tuning on all songs right now!  I have been practicing with a big mouth and correct vowel shape with my forward tongue and keeping the buzz.  This week I realized that I always had my head tilted back a little bit and I think that is what caused a little bit of my sound not being so resonant because it was further in the throat and mouth.  I fixed that this week!  My sound is really resonant now, Yeah!  I am keeping on working at every piece each day just fine tuning.  I am really excited for the recital!  I just got to keep motivated and practice even harder now!  Hope everyone else had a good week with practicing and I want to shout out to everyone who was in the play: GREAT JOB!  Tata for now!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 7

This week I really worked on my expressiveness and bringing the sound really forward and bright!  I worked on a lot of technique with some songs too.  For example I worked the buzz and forward tongue on every some and opened my mouth more especially on Warm as the Autumn Light.  I am working really hard on specific technique on some songs so they are really good to go.  I am really excited for the play and to see my family this weekend as I keep on working at things.  Hope everyone else had a good week!  Tata for now!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 6

I am feeling really good!  I got my Voice Jury done for my Junior Recital!  I practiced alot overbreak to finish and to touch up on some things!  I thought I did really well.  I need to spend a little more time with the duet.  I know it but I have not spent as much time on the duet as all the other songs.  I am really happy how things are turning out!  Hope everybody else is having a good week and good practicing! 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 5 of Voice Practice!

Yeah!  I am doing really well!  So excited for Spring Break!  I have been really memorizing hard core this week which is really good!  Over break I am going to finish Program notes and I am going to be all memorized with all songs!  Hope everyone has a good Spring Break!  Tata for now!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week 4 Voice Practice

This week was a good practice week!  Still working on my forward buzz and my vowels, but doing a lot better!  I have everything memorized except for the french and the duet for the recital!  Still need to keep on looking at the scores so I can be sure I do not mess any of the rhythms or notes and so that I am still familiarized and have it in my head.  I am really excited for Spring break to come just so I can relax a little and really get my self together for my jury and recital and to spend some quality time with my family for whom I love very much!  Hope everyone else had a good week of practicing as well!  See y' all tomorrow!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 3 Voice Practicing Whoo Hoo!

Week three of voice prcaticing I have been working on my posture even more with not straing my body when I sing.  I also have been doing alot of memorization on all my pieces so that I am good to go on my Recital.  I have been working on my energy this week when practing too!  I felt like I was a little lost in the energy this week and was trying to get my energy back when I sing during when I was practing.  It did get better!  I just have to not think so much and just sing!  Anyway it was a very good week of practicing and a good Wednesday lesson and recital.  Have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 2

Week 2 of practicing was really down to key and successful!  I memorized Sento Nel Core and Der Musikant and Die Post.  I am working on my posture stance more and looking Natural when I sing by standing properly and not hunched over and creating tension in shoulders.  I have also been working on my pronunciation in French because I need to refresh myself with some of the words that have shwa's in them.  Overall it was an Awesome week!  I felt like I did pretty well at Wednesday recital too.  Well tata for now but there will be more next week.  See ya!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Voice Studio Practicing Week 1

This week I worked on the IPA of my french piece.  I also worked on excersizes with releasing my jaw tension and keeping the toungue forward by doing descending and ascending Si-ah's.  I practiced in the mirror doing them as well.  I also sang through Tout Gai again and my new Italian piece Sento Nel Core in the mirror as well because I remember last week I was creating tension in my back and I just want to be telling the story of the song like I am just having a good old converstion with somone!  It has been a good week of practicing and I also passed the PPST!