Monday, November 28, 2011

Week eleven of practicing

This week I worked on alot of memorizing and also using alot of technique that we have been talking about in lessons and really working hard at it.  I went home for thanksgiving which was really nice and sang for my family a couple of my rep pieces.  They really enjoyed that.  I am still looking in the mirror to make sure I placing the tongue properly and also to keep my soft pallet high.  I hope eveyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Week nine of practicing

This week I really worked on memorizing!  I am still working on the stressed sylables in a couple of my songs.  I am also still working on dipthongs and elongating them, but I think as long as I keep my soft pallet high and not colapse it.  It will help alot and it will allow me to elongate the dipthongs.  It was also a good week at convention and I learned alot.  I am ready for Thanksgiving though, it will be nice to see my family and get a little sleep!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Week 9 of practicing

This week was a week of productive practicing I really worked on a lot of technical techniques with elongating dipthongs and making the stressed syllables of important words to come out when I was singing!  I also worked on looking in a mirror at myself to get better with keeping my soft pallet open.  I am keeping on memorizing all my pieces as well.  Hopefully everyone had a good week as well!  I am really excited about conference and Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week eight of practicing

This week was a successful week of practicing!  I have Si trai ceppi and Le Charme memorized and I am finsihing memorizing I wonder as I wander!  I have also been working on Heavenly grass and Tally Ho and hopefully get them memorzied in a week or two.  I have been really looking in the mirror making sure my soft pallet is raised the whole time and that jaw movement is limited and only used when need be.  I have also been looking in the mirror for appropriate emotional stances with the songs as well!  Hope everyone else hade a wonderful week of practicing!  Too doo loo!